Collaboration and innovation
Collaboration and innovation are defining parts of the DNA of Aalborg University. Therefore, it is a necessity that it is easy to initiate a partnership. We want to break down barriers and help strengthen the relationship between Aalborg University and the surrounding world through AAU Connect. We strive to accomplish this by making it easy to contact the right people and create the perfect match. Whether it be through collaborations, events, or new research from specific fields – the AAU Connect app aims to make Aalborg University more accessible to the rest of the world.
It is through close contact to alumna that universities are able to foster new collaborations within research, education, and innovation.
With AAU Connect available in your pocket, you will get access to the knowledge resources that Aalborg University provides, which can help you strengthen both yourself and your company. AAU Connect makes it easier for both new and current partners to navigate the knowledge, the researchers, and the events that are a match for your interests.

As a new feature AAU Connect now offers a collaboration tool that makes it easier to gain an overview over the possibilities for collaborations with AAU. You will be guided to the right collaboration partner at AAU who matches your exact needs.
At Telenor (both locally and globally) we are very satisfied by our collaborations with students, and it is something that we prioritize in our business. The students teach us many things, and in exchange we give them our practical knowledge. Especially for Telenor Denmark, the student collaborations are vital to our business. Through AAU Connect we have gained an easy and intuitive platform on which we can quickly and efficiently create connections to students at AAU in the specific fields that our teams offer collaboration opportunities in. We are excited to use AAU Connect in our contact to students in the following years to come, and we believe that it will strengthen our connection to AAU further.
A unique experience
With a tailored approach to knowledge, you will be shown exactly the things that are meaningful to you. All you need to do is choose the areas that interests you after which the content across the app will match your specific interests. AAU Connect thereby offers a unique experience for all.
AAU Connect is a great app. It is easy to navigate, even though it offers so much. And it fulfills a real need. Thank you!
Design thinking
AAU Connect is created with the terms ‘design thinking’ and ‘co-creation’ in mind. User involvement is a central theme for us when creating apps. AAU Connect is a solution created to meet a real need among its users who, among other things, wanted a collaborative platform, to secure new knowledge, and to support digital imagination. AAU Connect creates value in your everyday work, and shows you what Aalborg University has to offer.
Easy, attractive, and brings great value for both parties.
Do you have any feedback?
Do you have any suggestions to improve AAU Connect? Send us an email at