Multifactor authentication for external users

Multifactor authentication for external users

Multifactor authentication is used at AAU, to verify your identity when logging into our services.
By installing the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile, your mobile device turns into a physical key that cannot be stolen over the internet. The way that it works is that once you have entered your password correctly, a validation notification will be sent to the app in your mobile device, which you then need to approve. It is therefore important that you have your mobile phone with you.
When you are invited to participate in a MS Team as a guest, you need to have multifactor authentication set up to access the team.
It is a requirement that you have set up a Microsoft account.
If you already have a Microsoft account, you can proceed to Set up authenticator as SMS or Set up authenticator as app further down the page.
Otherwise, follow the points below to create a Microsoft account.
- Click the link in the e-mail
- Click send code
- You will receive an 8-digit code in your inbox - which you will 2 times more under the setup
- Copy the code
- Paste the copied code
- Click login
- A dialog box called Permission requestedf by - Aalborg University will pop up - click accept
- Now you can choose whether you want to open Microsoft Teams in the web browser or in your Microsoft Teams client
- A message will pop up: Additional information is needed - Click next
You will now get the opportunity to either set up Authenticator to validate via the app or via text message.
We recommend you use the Microsoft Authenticator app as your default login method as it is the most secure method.