System overview
Each system can be unfolded, where under the respective systems you can find links to login, contact information and system access information.
Of course, you can also bookmark the link to the respective system if you find it more convenient.
Financial systems
Log in: Financial management Oracle ERP
Information: Contact your local IdM admin if access is needed
Access: Granted through IdM
Log in: RUS2 Production - Log in: RUS2 Archive
Information: Works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Instructions for creating trips can be found here:
Note: None.
Log in: Travel booking CWT
Information: In order to book trips, you must have an AAU profile with CWT. You can do this by filling in the profile creation form, which you can find here: travel booking (
Contact: - Access: travel booking (
Add.: None.
Log in: RES Salary budgeting
Information: None
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: Requisition module - Planning and staffing of educational activities
Information: None.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: AAU Equipment Registration
Information: Access to AAU Equipment Registration is granted through IdM
Access: Contact your IdM administrator if access is needed
Add.: None
Log in: Prophix
Information: Prophix is Aalborg University's budgeting system, and is used to enter, process and consolidate all budget figures for the operation of the university's departments, institutes and units, and for all the university's external projects. Prophix is also used for a small part of the salary budgeting, which is however primarily handled in RES.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: Must be used in Google Chrome.
Study systems
Log in: iSTADS
Information:STADS is our study administration system in which student data is recorded at personal level. The vast majority of records are registered in iSTADS.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Log in: eSTADS 800x600 - Log in: eSTADS 1024x768 - Log in: eSTADS 1152x864
Information:eSTADS is the part of the administrative system where the fundamental data for the students are created on the basis of the Education, Study Regulation and Module database. eSTADS and iSTADS are one and the same database, and the data it contains will therefore always be the same.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None
STADS Support
Information:Here you can see what the student sees when logging in to STADS.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: DANS case processing - Log in: DANS professional evaluation
Information: DANS is a national digital application and processing system used for admission to study programmes and individual courses.
DANS consists of three subsystems; the Application Portal, where applicants apply for admission and receive answers, DANS Case Processing, where applications are processed by the staff in the Study Service, and DANS Professional Evaluation, where professional assessors make evaluations of applications.
Access to DANS can be granted to admissions staff and academic assessors.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: Digital Exams
Information: Digital Exams is a system for managing exams at AAU. The system handles the exam process from the time it is entered into STADS as an exam registration, the exam is set up by an exam administrator, the student submits and until a grade is finally returned to STADS.
Contact (support): - Contact (user access): - Access: Via IDM.
Note: None.
Log in: Hours
Information: The hour system is an AAU professional system used to report how many teaching and tutoring lessons, etc. the departments offer to students. It is reported twice a year and the figures are part of the key figures reported to UddannelsesZOOM.
Contact (support): - Contact (system errors): - Access:
Note: None.
Log in: UniStart
Information: UniStart is an AAU system used in connection with applications for admission to undergraduate programmes and onboarding of students. Applicants can view the status of their applications to AAU, receive and respond to messages from admissions officers, and respond to offers of admission. In addition, all new students order AAUCard, provide SMS consent and activate their AAUmail via UniStart.
Access to UniStart can be granted to staff working with admissions processing.
Contact (support): - Contact (user access): - Access: Link to form
Log in: The Study Programme Database
Information: The Study Programme Database is AAU's database of all study programmes offered. In the Study Programme Database you can always find an updated list of all programmes at Aalborg University.
Contact: - Access: Everyone has 'see-access'.
Log in: Module base
Information: The Module Base is AAU's database of all modules offered on all AAU programmes - typically course and project modules - and is thereby an up-to-date source of key information on what content the students can expect from the teaching offered by AAU's programmes.
Contact: - Access: Anyone can access the database, but you must be granted rights by a colleague or by contacting the Secretariat.
Log in: The Academic Regulations Database
Information: The Academic Regulations Database is AAU's database of all academic regulations in force at AAU. The study regulations describe the rules that apply to the programmes, organisational affiliation and lists of the modules that the student must take to complete the programme. From the overview of modules there is a direct link to the complete module descriptions in the Module Database.
Contact: - Access: Anyone can access the base, but you must be granted rights by a colleague or by contacting the Secretariat
Log in: Moodle
Information: Moodle is AAU's virtual learning environment where courses, course materials and related activities can be found and edited.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Log in: Help features
Information: Help features for STADS, UniStart, WorkZone, IdM.
Note: None.
Log in: Forgotten password/locked account
Information: Available if employees have forgotten their password or had their user account locked.
Note: Forgotten password/locked account does not work with Internet Explorer.
Electronic Case and Document Handling (ESDH)
Log in: KMD WorkZone
Information: WorkZone is Aalborg University's ESDH system.
Contact: - Access: Link to user registration and reading access
Note: Works in Edge and Google Chrome
Log in: Journaling and sending diplomas
Information: Dashboard for sending digital diplomas.
Contact: - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: 2016-2022 - Log in: 2010-2016
Information: Aalborg University has used digital archives since 2010. Journals before 2010 have been handed over to the Danish National Archives.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
HR systems
Log in: State HR Absence Module
Information: The self-service solution for employees in the TAP, VIP and Manager categories. Provides, among other things, an absence overview. Application of the solution can be found via Statens HR at AAU
Kontakt: The local department/division secretariat or the local absence office - Access: Link to form
Note: None.
Log in: the State HR Absence Module (administrative part)
Information: Used by absence registers. Registration solution for sickness, holidays and other absences.
Contact: - Access: Link to areas of responsibility
Note: None.
Log in: People XS (WAYF)
Information: Shortcut to AAU's recruitment system, including the VIP and TAP recruitment portals and the assessment portal.
If access to the recruitment portals and the assessment portal is desired, contact the local institute/department secretariat.
Contact: - Access: Link to form (SharePoint) - Qlikview
Note: If you want access to AAU's recruitment system (main access - backend), you must access the form via SharePoint. You then select the "Responsibilities and Roles" tab.
Log in: QlikView
Information: Access to the HR portal , Absence portal and Payroll statistics in QlickView is managed by the HR department. The registration for these reports is done via the link below. Please refer to the Finance Department.
Contact: - Access: Link to area of responsibility
Note: None.
Log in:
Information: To ensure compliance with the rules on maximum weekly working time, staff members at AAU must register their daily total working hours as of 1 October 2024. See more in Rules for registration of working time at Aalborg University.
Access: All staff at AAU automatically have access to via their regular AAU user/login. Individual staff members must not be given separate access.
Contact: Find contact information here
Other: System guides and FAQ can be found here.
IT Services
Log in: AAU BTU Extract
Information: None
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
E-Voting Frontprogram
Information: None
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Log in: Identity Management
Information: None.
Contact: - Access:
Note: Access help features.
PhD Manager
Information: None.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Information: None.
Contact: Access:
Note: Get help finding a card number
Enter the email or card number of one or more people or project groups to view basic information about them.
Log in: Oracle users
Information: None.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Log på: Profile Photo
Information: Changing your profile photo and visibility which is used in Aalborg University's IT systems.
Contact: - Access: All employees with an active AD account at AAU have access to the system.
Note: Intet.
Log in: Proxy-user
Information: None.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Log in: Umbraco
Information: Is in IDM.
Contact: - Access:
Note: For access, please send an email to support - read the instructions here (in Danish).
Log in: Serviceportal
Log in as case manager: Serviceportal
Information: This is the new case system where you can create cases.
Contact: Support - Access: Contact your associated administrator if you need access as a case manager.
Note: None.
Other Systems
Log in: Webbook
Information: None.
Contact: - Access:
Note: None.
Log in: Travel booking
Information: None.
Contact: - Acces:
Note: None.
Log in: Catering
Information: The supplier operates the canteens with breakfast, lunch and snacks. Jespers Torvekøkken offers 24/7 solutions for customers outside opening hours, cater and supply for events, functions and meetings for students, employees and guests.
Contact: - Access:
Webmaster: IT Support